How is COTP? News and social media feeds have once again focused their attention on Haiti over the past few weeks, and for good reason as the reports...
Sak Pase: Slow and Steady Transformation Wow, COTP is really different! It’s great. It’s so many things we’d dreamed about…but it’s different. This was the...
Sak Pase: People Transitions People…everything we do essentially boils down to people. During my first few months living in Haiti, I found myself alone in a truck...
Sak Pase: Reviving Our Volunteer Program In (insert year here), I took a trip to Children of the Promise and it changed my life. Because of this trip, I decided to…and God has...
Sak Pase: Revitalizing Development There are 2,187 miles between Lagossette (Haiti) and Willmar (MN), the location of the 2 COTP offices. According to Google Earth, this...
Sak Pase: Budget Shifts If you are an adult, then you almost certainly have experience with managing money. Most adults have experience with budgeting, having a...